Question 1414a

Complex Numbers
2014 Paper 1 Question 5 Variant


It is given that z=3+i.{z=3 + \mathrm{i}.}
Without using a calculator, find the values of z3{z^3} and 1z2{\displaystyle \frac{1}{z^{2}}} in cartesian form x+iy,{x + \mathrm{i}y,} showing your working.
The real numbers p{p} and q{q} are such that pz3+qz2{\displaystyle pz^3 + \frac{q}{z^{2}}} is purely imaginary.
Find, in terms of p,{p,} the value of q{q} and the value of pz3+qz2.{\displaystyle pz^3 + \frac{q}{z^{2}}.}
