Question 1215

Vectors I: Basics, Dot and Cross Products
2015 Paper 1 Question 7 Variant


Referred to the origin O,{O,} points A{A} and B{B} have position vectors a{\mathbf{a}} and b{\mathbf{b}} respectively.
Point C{C} lies on OA,{OA,} between O{O} and A,{A,} such that OC:CA=4:3.{OC:CA = 4:3.}
Point D{D} lies on OB,{OB,} between O{O} and B,{B,} such that OD:DB=3:2.{OD:DB = 3:2.}
Find the position vectors OC{\overrightarrow{OC}} and OD,{\overrightarrow{OD},} giving your answers in terms of a{\mathbf{a}} and b.{\mathbf{b}.}
Show that the vector equation of the line BC{BC} can be written as
r=47λa+(1λ)b,\mathbf{r} = \frac{4}{7} \lambda \mathbf{a} + (1-\lambda) \mathbf{b},
where λ{\lambda} is a parameter.
Find in a similar form the vector equation of the line AD{AD} in terms of a parameter μ.{\mu.}
Find, in terms of a{\mathbf{a}} and b,{\mathbf{b},} the position vector of the point E{E} where the lines BC{BC} and AD{AD} meet and find the ratio AE:ED.{AE:ED.}
