Question 1212

Vectors I: Basics, Dot and Cross Products
2012 Paper 1 Question 5 Variant


Referred to the origin O,{O,} the points A{A} and B{B} have position vectors a{\mathbf{a}} and b{\mathbf{b}} such that
a=2j+kandb=ij.\begin{align*} \mathbf{a} &= 2 \mathbf{j} + \mathbf{k} \\ \textrm{and} \quad \mathbf{b} &= \mathbf{i} - \mathbf{j}. \end{align*}
The point C{C} has position vector c{\mathbf{c}} given by c=λa+μb,{\mathbf{c}=\lambda \mathbf{a}+\mu \mathbf{b},} where λ{\lambda} and μ{\mu} are positive constants.
Given that the area of triangle OAC{OAC} is 526,{\frac{5}{2} \sqrt{6},} find μ.{\mu.}
Given instead that μ=4{\mu = 4} and that OC=25,{OC = 2 \sqrt{5},} find the possible coordinates of C.{C.}
